petak, 7. veljače 2020.

Family Caregivers: This Is for You

Most of our comments are meant to express our appreciation and provide encouragement to caregivers. Sometimes, we miss the mark. Skip these 10 comments and try these suggested ones instead.
Very Well
10 Things to Not Say to Family Caregivers
By Esther Heerema, MSW
Most of our comments are meant to express our appreciation and provide encouragement to caregivers. Sometimes, we miss the mark. Skip these 10 comments and try these suggested ones instead.
AD8 Dementia Screening Interview for Caregivers 
The AD8 usually involves a spouse, child, or non-family caregiver being asked to assess whether there have been changes in the past few years in certain areas of cognition and functioning.
Dementia Caregivers: 14 Reasons to Call the Doctor 
As you care for your loved one with dementia, take the stress out of guessing when to call the doctor by following this list of 14 specific situations that necessitate a call.
12 Things About Dementia People Wish They'd Known Earlier 
Having worked with thousands of people impacted by Alzheimer's or another type of dementia, I can testify to the fact that there are definitely things that, as caregivers, they wish they would have known earlier about dementia.
7 Signs of Caregiver Burnout: Recognizing and Preventing Caregiver Overload 
Take the time to stop, even for a few minutes, and evaluate how you're doing. Are you coping pretty well and balancing the different needs in your life? Or are you running on empty, ready to bottom out?
Caregiving and the Risk of Alzheimer's in Latinos
9 Care Options for People Living With Dementia
Leading Alzheimer's & Dementia Charities
10 Things to Stop Doing If You're a Caregiver
Women and Alzheimer's Disease: Increased Risks
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