Join us over the next few weeks and get inspired for the year ahead as our team of editors shares our healthy goals and visions for living Verywell in 2020.
|  | From the Editors: Our Healthy 2020 Visions | | I never particularly liked setting New Year's resolutions. Why do I need the fresh start of a year, month, or day to set a goal? I got bored with my hair, so I chopped it into a pixie. I wanted to travel to Spain on my own, so I booked a ticket. I thought it would be cool to get a blue flower tattoo, so I got one. If it feels right, do it now. Don't wait! Though, my choices often seemed to worry other people. Did you know a pixie is so hard to grow out? Have you read about the dangers of female solo traveling? You know tattoos are forever, right? See my point? And though I strive for independence from what other people think, I'm only human. The negativity was bringing me down. When I decided to try being vegan, this continued. How long will you be vegan? Where will you get your protein from? You're okay with not eating cheese?? True, some questions may express genuine concern for my health—or for the fact that I can't enjoy cheese—but oftentimes they were discouraging. My takeaway from the experience is this: If I want to try something new, I will aim to keep expectations and doubts from squelching my enthusiasm. It's okay if I haven't worked out all the details yet. In fact, the bravest part about decision-making is that we can't have everything figured out, but we do it anyway. So, in 2020, I resolve to be okay with being unresolved. I'll try new things and let them go as I see fit, keeping in mind that I'm the #1 person to please. Here's what I'm remembering as I advance in the year and beyond: | | 1. | I am me, but not the forever-version. I won't sweat trying to keep myself the same. It's not only boring, but it's impossible. I'll focus on what feels good and won't stress being deemed a "flake" if I choose to move on. | | 2. | Continue to do more and think less. This isn't to say I'll act with reckless abandon, but I will work on always speaking my truth and acting on my curiosities. | | 3. | Trust myself (even if it doesn't work out). Might I regret that blue flower tattoo someday? Sure. But if anything, it'll serve to remind me that I shouldn't be afraid to follow through on something meaningful to me—even when what's meaningful to me changes through the years. | | Cheers to you, reader, as you are now and to the many versions of you to come. Happy New Year! | | | | | | EDITOR'S PICK OF THE WEEK | | | Get Delicious Recipes Delivered to Your Inbox | | | | How Do You Live Verywell? | With new goals in mind for the year ahead, share how you plan to live Verywell in 2020 for a chance to be featured in an upcoming newsletter. | | | | | | | | You are receiving this newsletter because you subscribed to the Healthy Eating newsletter. If you wish to unsubscribe, please click here. | A DOTDASH BRAND 1500 Broadway, 6th Floor, New York, NY, 10036 | | | | | |
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