ponedjeljak, 20. lipnja 2016.

Don't Fall for These Low-Carb Myths

Very Well
Don't Fall for These Low-Carb Myths
By Laura Dolson
There are so many misconceptions about low-carb diets - all you have to do is search on the term to find lots of them. The saddest thing to me is when people who are trying to cut carbs believe the myths, and then sabotage their own attempts at healthy low-carb eating. Arm yourself with knowledge!


Top 7 Low-Carb Myths 
Have you heard that low-carb diets have no vegetables or fruit? That they are low in fiber? That they will cause health problems? Here are the most common low-carb myths. Don't believe them!


What Is a Low-Carb Diet, Anyway? 
OK, we've learned what a low-carb diet is NOT, so just what is it?  Here are three different approaches to a low-carb way of eating.
Low-Carb Emergency Food List 
It seems as though not a week goes by without a natural disaster these days, be it floods, fires, or horrible heat waves. Hurricane and fire seasons are here, earthquake season is any time (where I live), and it's good for everyone to have some emergency food on hand. Here's a list of shelf-stable low-carb food.


How Much Carb Is in That Cashew? 
Nuts and seeds are great, healthy, low-carb foods, but they vary a lot in carb content, and also the types of fats in them.  Here is a chart to help you sort it out.
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