srijeda, 8. lipnja 2016.

The Show Must Go On, and On, and On

Each week I get a few emails with variations on a basic theme.  "Please," most of the emails begin, "I want to last longer."  My letter writers don't talk about lasting longer as if it's an easy problem to solve, but there is usually some urgency. They connect their inability to last longer (than what?  according to who?) to problems in their sex lives, their relationships, and sometimes their relationships with friends and colleagues at work.  I always start my response with the same question, which sounds rhetorical but isn't: what's the difference between lasting longer for sex, and sex that lasts longer?  The conversation goes from there.  ~  Cory

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The Show Must Go On, and On, and On

Each week I get a few emails with variations on a basic theme.  "Please," most of the emails begin, "I want to last longer."  My letter writers don't talk about lasting longer as if it's an easy problem to solve, but there is usually some urgency. They connect their inability to last longer (than what?  according to who?) to problems in their sex lives, their relationships, and sometimes their relationships with friends and colleagues at work.  I always start my response with the same question, which sounds rhetorical but isn't: what's the difference between lasting longer for sex, and sex that lasts longer?  The conversation goes from there.  ~  Cory

Cory Silverberg
Sexuality Expert
Lasting Longer  

Want sex to last longer?  Here are three questions you should ask yourself before you going out to buy that cream or self-help book.

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canary bird in cage against blue wall
Is It Him or Me?  

Erections in some ways are like the canary in the coal mine.  Only you don't always know why the canary died.  I'm realizing now that this canary analogy doesn't have legs.  But the point is, erections change and it's no ones fault.  Still, you can become part of the solution if you choose.

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Why Can't I Orgasm?  
There are so many reasons why people have difficulty experiencing orgasm.  Here's a way of narrowing down what may be getting in the way for you.


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Sex Tip: Define Your Sexual Terms  
In order to get what you want, you need to a) know what you want, and b) figure out some way to communicate that to a partner.  Scratch that, even without a partner, you need to admit what you want to yourself.  This sex tip can help.


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