četvrtak, 2. lipnja 2016.

Why Is It So Hard To Exercise?

Very Well
Why Is It So Hard To Exercise?
By Paige Waehner

 "Why is it so hard to exercise?"  This is a question I get quite a bit from the people I work with and there's never an easy answer because it changes from day to day.  

One day it might be hard to exercise because you're tired and, another day it might be because you had to work late and were too tired to workout.

If it's always hard to exercise, that's when you may need to dig a little deeper to find out what's stopping you from taking care of yourself.

Why Is It So Hard to Exercise? 

 We may tell ourselves we're too busy, too tired, too distracted to exercise, but those excuses are often a cover up for the real issue:  We don't plan or commit to our workout time.  If you're wondering why it's so hard to exercise, the answer may be more obvious than you realize.

Strength Training Myths Debunked 

 There have always been myths about strength training and many of us still believe them today.  For example, some women believe that lifting weights will make them look like a puffed up bodybuilder.  Fortunately, that isn't true.

Total Body Strength fro Balance and Stability 

 This total body workout targets strength, balance and stability by focusing on both traditional exercises and unilateral moves, which are often more difficult to complete.

Don't Wait for the Perfect Time to Exercise 

 Over the years, I've trained enough clients to know that, sooner or later, most of them will utter a phrase I've learned to anticipate: "I'll get back to my workouts as soon as I can." The As-Soon-As excuse (or, as I call it, ASA) is something we all end up using at one time or another.

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