| You Can Enjoy Vacation if You Have Diabetes | By Barbie Cervoni, RD, CDE | If you have diabetes you maybe worried about leaving the state or the country - what do you need to bring, how can you travel with insulin and test strips, can you get a pedicure? All these questions are valid, but there is an answer and solution to each one. You can have diabetes and enjoy your vacation. Get prepared to relax today. | | What You Need if You are Traveling on a Plane and Have Diabetes?  | Traveling can be stressful - you need to worry about what to pack, rules and regulations regarding packing, being on time, tickets, identification, etc. Add diabetes supplies to the mix and now things can get really complicated. To ease your worry and fear it's important to be prepared... | | | | 4 Ways to Take a Safe "Vacation" from Your Diabetes  | You've been looking forward to your vacation all year and, although you are feeling excited, perhaps a part of you is a bit anxious or nervous - what will you eat, how will you manage your blood sugars, can't you just take a vacation from your diabetes altogether? Unfortunately, diabetes is something you must manage on a daily basis, even when you're on vacation. But there are ways to enjoy yourself, too... | | | | How to Keep Your Feet Healthy and Pretty for Summer  | The weather is warming up which means bare feet and flip flops, right? If you are someone with Type 2 diabetes, this can be dangerous, especially if you have peripheral neuropathy, diminished sensation, chronically high blood sugars or peripheral arterial disease. People with diabetes should never walk around barefoot- even in the house. Stepping on hot sand, a shell or stubbing your toe on the corner of the floor can cause a foot injury resulting in a serious infection or urgent care issue, particularly if you don't feel it. Fortunately, there are many ways to protect your feet in the summer... | | | | How to Protect Your Insulin and Test Strips from the Heat  | There are many variables that can affect your diabetes and temperature is one of them. Extreme heat or cold can affect the efficacy of your test strips and insulin if they are not stored properly. During the summer months this can be tricky - beach days, barbecues and vacation equals heat and sun. But a few simple tips can help you keep your supplies in tact... | | | | | | | You are receiving this newsletter because you subscribed to the Type 2 Diabetes newsletter. If you wish to unsubscribe, please click here | | 1500 Broadway, 6th Floor, New York, NY, 10036 | | | | | | | | |
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