Blood glucose monitoring is a valuable tool that can help you to manage your diabetes. Understanding what factors influence your blood sugar can help you prevent blood sugar excursions. To keep your diabetes under control you want to avoid both high and low blood sugars. Learn all about what your numbers mean and how to keep them in target range.
| | If you're having trouble viewing this email, click here | | | | Blood Sugar Monitoring Can Help Manage Diabetes | Blood glucose monitoring is a valuable tool that can help you to manage your diabetes. Understanding what factors influence your blood sugar can help you prevent blood sugar excursions. To keep your diabetes under control you want to avoid both high and low blood sugars. Learn all about what your numbers mean and how to keep them in target range. |  | Barbie Cervoni, RD, CDE Type 2 Diabetes Expert | | | Tight Blood Sugar Control Can Result in Hypoglycemia | Clinical guidelines recommend that people with diabetes keep their blood sugars controlled to prevent long term complications. Sometimes trying to avoid high blood sugars can result in hypoglycemia - low blood sugar. While it may seem like a good thing for your blood sugar to be low, tight blood sugar control resulting in low blood sugars is not a good thing... | | | Euglycemia - What is it and What Does it Mean for You? | Ever hear of the word euglycemia? It's a term that typically is used in medical research papers, but is not common vernacular in every day talk. The American Diabetes Association defines euglycemia, (you-gly-SEEM-ee-uh) as "a normal level of sugar in the blood." | | | How do Carbohydrates Affect Blood Sugar? | Carbohydrates are a macronutrient that, when broken down, turns into sugar (glucose) and is used by the body as energy or fuel. Foods that contain carbohydrates impact blood sugars the most... | | | Blood Sugar Targets | Studies suggest that people with diabetes who test their blood sugar may have lower HbA1c (3 month average of blood sugar). How often you test your blood sugar and what time you test your blood sugar should be individualized... | | | Hyper and Hypoglycemia - When is it an Emergency? | When you have diabetes, it is very important to know the side effects of hyperglycemia (high blood sugar) and hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) and how to treat them. Both types of situations can become an emergency if not recognized and treated promptly. | | | How to Treat Low Blood Sugar Quickly and Safely | Have you ever felt shaky, sweaty, confused, or disorientated and then ate something and felt better? Perhaps your blood sugar was low, but you wouldn't know that for sure unless you checked... | | | 4 Benefits of Keeping a Log Book | Do you check your blood sugar every morning and see the same numbers over and over? Or perhaps you check it after dinner and it's never the same, but you just can't figure out why.. | | | | | | You are receiving this newsletter because you subscribed to the Type 2 Diabetes newsletter. If you wish to unsubscribe, please click here | | 1500 Broadway, 6th Floor, New York, NY, 10036 | | | | | | | | |
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