utorak, 3. siječnja 2012.

About Bipolar Disorder: 2011 Roundup

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Bipolar Disorder

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Coping and Support

From Marcia Purse, your Guide to Bipolar Disorder
As the new year begins, I want to share that 2011 was a mixed year for me - financially very tough, yet emotionally much improved. I guess that seems odd, but a good medication cocktail and searching the internet for lessons in goal-setting and self-discipline helped me take the financial setbacks as a challenge rather than as crushing blows.

And all through the year I've worked to bring you the information you want and need, writing new articles and updating older ones with new information. Here are your favorites for the year.

Most Popular Overall: Red Flags to Childhood BP
This is a perennial favorite: a look at symptoms and behaviors which may indicate that a child has bipolar disorder. Of course, no single symptom is enough to make a diagnosis - but if a child exhibits several of these symptoms, and they are seriously affecting the child's life, it's appropriate to seek professional help.

Top Search Term: Norepinephrine
I'm honestly not sure why this term tops the list month after month, but it's obvious people want to know more about this substances, which has significant effects on body and brain, and is implicated in both depression and mania/hypomania.

Most Popular New Article: Amy Winehouse
The death of Amy Winehouse in July shocked the music world. The young singer had struggled for years with alcohol and substance abuse, ultimately dying of alcohol poisoning. My biography looks at her youth, the few years of stardom, and her problems in the context of bipolar disorder.

Most Popular Blog: What Is Wrong With Me?
Published in May 2007, this blog now has 442 comments. Originally the blog was a 5-line poem. In 2009 more was written linking to a couple of new articles on the topic. My hope is that a large percentage of those who left comments have found help by now, and that the About Bipolar Disorder site has been instrumental in persuading them to seek that help.


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Featured Articles
More Top Articles: #2 - Symptoms of Mania
#3 - What Is Bipolar 2?
#4 - What Causes Bipolar Disorder?
#5 - Medications A to Z
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This newsletter is written by:
Marcia Purse
Bipolar Disorder Guide
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