utorak, 7. listopada 2014.

About Allergies: Oralair, Grastek and Ragwitek for Grass and Ragweed Pollen Allergy

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From Daniel More, MD, your Guide to Allergies
In 2014, the FDA has approved three SLIT products for the treatment of seasonal allergic rhino conjunctivitis. All three exist as an oral disintegrating tablet that is placed and held under the tongue. These products include Grastek (for grass allergy), Oralair (for grass allergy) and Ragwitek (for ragweed allergy). Unfortunately, these products will only be effective for symptoms caused by grass and/or ragweed allergy, and not by other allergens.


Oralair, Grastek and Ragwitek for Grass and Ragweed Pollen Allergy
Sublingual immunotherapy, or SLIT, is a form of immunotherapy that involves putting allergen extract under the tongue. SLIT can be taken in liquid form as drops, or in tablet form, and is becoming a popular alternative for allergy shots. This form of immunotherapy has been used for many years in Europe and other areas around the world, and was approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2014, at least in 3 different sublingual tablet versions to treat the symptoms or allergic rhinitis and allergic conjunctivitis. Oralair and Grastek were approved for the treatment of grass pollen allergy, and Ragwitek was approved for the treatment of ragweed pollen allergy.  

The Future of Immunotherapy: Allergy Drops
Sublingual immunotherapy, or SLIT, is a form of immunotherapy that involves putting drops of allergen extracts under the tongue. Many people refer to this process as “allergy drops,” and it is an alternative treatment for allergy shots . This form of immunotherapy has been used for years in Europe, and recently has had increased interest in the United States. 

All About Allergy Shots
When medications fail to adequately control allergy symptoms and avoidance of the trigger is not easy or possible, an allergist may recommend immunotherapy or “allergy shots”. This treatment consists of a series of injections containing small amounts of the substances to which a person is allergic.
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Daniel More, MD
Allergies Guide
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Must Reads
What are Allergies?
Symptoms of Allergies
Diagnosis of Allergies
Treatment of Allergies
Preventing Allergies


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