utorak, 8. srpnja 2014.

About Allergies: Dietary Habits During Pregnancy May Affect Allergies in Children

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Symptoms / Diagnosis



From Daniel More, MD, your Guide to Allergies
Allergies and asthma are becoming more common, with up to 40% of the population suffering from allergic rhinitis, 10% of the population has asthma, and 5% of the population has food allergies. Since the rate of allergies is on the rise, there is interest in trying to prevent the onset of allergic disease in children by focusing on the prenatal period – during a mother’s pregnancy before a child is born.


Dietary Habits During Pregnancy and the Development of Childhood Allergies
It appears that the consumption of various foods during early pregnancy – mostly during the first trimester – seems to influence the development of various allergic diseases during childhood.

Preventing Allergies
The ultimate goal of allergy treatment is preventing the symptoms from occurring in the first place. This usually includes learning how to avoid the allergen, whether it be pets, foods, insects or even certain chemicals. Preventing the development of allergies, asthma and food allergies in young children also is possible.


Prevention of Food Allergy in Infants
Allergic disease is more common than ever, and it is not surprising that more people with allergies are asking how they might be able to decrease the chance that their children will have allergies. One particular question is in regards to the introduction of solid foods into the diet of infants at risk for allergies. Various studies show that delaying the introduction of various foods into the diets of infants may delay or prevent the development of food allergies.
Search Related Topics:  skin testing  common food allergies  eczema

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Allergy Shots and Drops (Immunotherapy)
Alternative Therapies in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Allergies
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Daniel More, MD
Allergies Guide
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Must Reads
What are Allergies?
Symptoms of Allergies
Diagnosis of Allergies
Treatment of Allergies
Preventing Allergies
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