utorak, 3. lipnja 2014.

About Allergies: Time for Summer Allergy Season!

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From Daniel More, MD, your Guide to Allergies
It seems as is summer is already in full swing. Summertime is all about spending time outdoors. Many people go camping, picnic at the beach, or barbeque in the backyard. But along with these outdoor activities comes the possibility of outdoor allergies. Allergies to summer pollens, stinging and biting insects, hidden food ingredients, and smoke from campfires and barbeques can ruin an otherwise perfect activity for some people.


Grass pollen allergy
Grass pollen is known to cause a variety of different allergic reactions. Grass pollen is present in the air in the late spring and early summer months, which can cause allergic rhinitisallergic conjunctivitis andasthma. Direct skin contact with grass, from sitting in the grass or mowing the lawn, can cause itching of the skin -- urticaria and atopic dermatitis. Grass allergy can also be associated with the fruit pollen syndrome resulting in food allergies to tomatoes, potatoes and peaches.
Search Related Topics:  pollen allergy  summer allergies  oral allergy syndrome

Allergy to Stinging and Biting Insects
Nearly everyone has experienced an insect bite or sting at some point in their lives. Most of the time, these stings and bites lead to mild pain or itching right where they occurred. Sometimes, however, people can experience more severe reactions that could be caused by an allergic reaction to the sting or bite. Allergic reactions most commonly occur with bites or stings from these insects.


BBQ Smoke Allergy
Mesquite, oak, cedar and hickory are types of wood used for this barbecuing -- they are also trees that produce pollen that many people with seasonal allergies are allergic to. It appears that the allergen in this type of pollen is also contained within the wood of the tree; these allergens survive combustion and remain in smoke once the wood is burned.
Search Related Topics:  perfume allergy  non-allergic rhinitis  food allergy

Related Searches
Featured Articles
Insect Allergies
Allergy Shots and Drops (Immunotherapy)
Alternative Therapies in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Allergies
Glossary of Terms
Information on the Most Common Allergy Medications


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This newsletter is written by:
Daniel More, MD
Allergies Guide
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What are Allergies?
Symptoms of Allergies
Diagnosis of Allergies
Treatment of Allergies
Preventing Allergies
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