|  | Two of my top 10 pet peeves are covered in the term "elderspeak"- talking to an adult as if they were a child in a high-pitched manner and using terms of endearment inappropriately. Older adults deserve respect, not patronizing, irritating and degrading conversation. | | "Honey," Don't Talk to Me Like That! Getting Rid of Elderspeak Have you ever heard an older adult spoken to as if she were a child? This is called "elderspeak," and it's got to go...Read more
| 10 Causes of Potentially Reversible Dementia Symptoms Think someone you love has dementia? Could be, but there could also be a reversible reason for her memory loss and poor decisions. Review these 10 other causes of dementia symptoms that, with appropriate treatment, may be reversible...Read more
| Gifts for the Early, Middle & Late Stages of Dementia If you're anything like me, finding the right gift for your loved ones is important to you, yet not always the easiest task. So, I've spent some time brainstorming about different gift ideas for our loved ones with dementia or Alzheimer's. The gift suggestions are grouped loosely according to the stages of Alzheimer's...Read more
| Winter Weather Precautions for Those with Dementia Winter weather brings the beauty of snow and the challenge of freezing cold temperatures, depending, of course, where you live. But for people with Alzheimer's disease and other kinds of dementia, it also brings several potential safety hazards as well...Read more
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