|  | At some point during the holiday season, you realize that you're entire life is slowly falling apart. You've left laundry in the dryer for more than a week, you can't remember the last time you made an actual meal and you haven't had a good night's sleep since last January. If you've already reached that point, I'd like to inform you that it is only December 8th. You want to give up, right? I mean, why exercise when your life is in such tatters? Because, exercise is all you have left, people. And I'm not doing it alone. | | How to Stick With Your Exercise Goals Are you already exhausted by the holidays? That's no reason to give up on your exercise goals, as tempting as that may be. There are things you can do to stick with your workouts, even when things get crazy.
| Exercise Basics for Older Adults If you're an older adult, you know you need to exercise, just like everyone else. Unlike everyone else, you may have more obstacles in your way. So, how do you deal with those and where do you start? I have some ideas for you.
| Find Your Target Heart Rate Sure, you could use a target heart rate calculator to get your target heart rate zones, but I've worked really hard to give you step by step instructions for how to do it the old fashioned way. It's a little work, I won't lie, but it's worth it.
| Best Shoulder Exercises If you want strong sexy shoulders, it's important to work every part of the delts - The anterior, middle and posterior. If you don't know what any of those words mean, don't worry. All you really need to know are the best exercises for your shoulders.
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