utorak, 21. veljače 2017.

5 Running Mistakes That Could Lead to Weight Gain

Very Well
5 Running Mistakes That Could Lead to Weight Gain
By Christine Luff
Sure, running burns a ton of calories and can be a helpful tool with weight loss. But some runners find that, despite their best efforts, they don’t lose weight with running and some discover that they even put on a few extra pounds.
5 Running Mistakes That Could Lead to Weight Gain 
If you're running to lose weight or just trying to maintain your weight, try to avoid these mistakes so you don't see that number on the scale creeping up.
7 Mental Tricks to Crush Your Race Finish 
The final miles of a running race can be both physically and mentally grueling. Here are some mental tips to use when the going gets tough.
100-Calorie Snacks for Runners 
Choose one of these 100-calorie snacks the next time you're feeling hungry or need a pre-run energy boost.
5 Ways to More Treadmill Running More Fun 
Yes, treadmill running can get boring, but there are ways you can make it more fun and exciting. Here are five ideas to spice up your treadmill workouts.


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