ponedjeljak, 6. travnja 2015.

What You Need to Do Now to Get Your Body Ready for Summer

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What You Need to Do Now to Get Your Body Ready for Summer
You've heard it before: summer bodies are made in the winter. But what if you spent your winter on the couch? Is it too late to get your lose weight and tone up for summer? Absolutely not! You just need to get organized, get motivated and get your butt in gear right now to get the body you want - and deserve - by summer.
How to Be Your Own Personal Trainer

If you don't have the budget for a high-priced personal trainer, don't worry. You can use the same techniques and coaching methods that they use and the good news is that you are likely to be more successful. Why? Because you are the best expert when it comes to you. Use this step-by-step guide to become your own coach, motivator and trainer.

Organize Your Kitchen to Help You Lose Weight

It's time for a little bit of spring cleaning. But I'm not talking about the kind that requires a vacuum cleaner. Grab the trash bag and get ready to overhaul your refrigerator, your cabinets and your kitchen counter so that eating the best foods for weight loss is the easiest choice to make.

How to Attack Your Snack Habit and Win

You exercise regularly and eat perfectly healthy meals, but you're still not losing weight. Sound familiar? Many times the problem is the number of calories consumed in snacks. Those little nibbles can completely ruin your chances for weight loss success. But you can get it under control by changing a few simple habits.

5 Things You're Doing Wrong After Exercise

It doesn't matter how great your workout was. If you make one of these post-exercise mistakes you could completely undo the benefits you just earned at the gym. Unfortunately almost all of us make at least one of these gaffs (I'm famous for #4).  Scan the list so that you keep your hard-earned exercise benefits.

What to Wear to If You Want to Burn More Calories
Workouts to Avoid if You're Trying to Lose Weight
The 7 Drinks That Can Ruin Your Diet
30-Minute Celebrity Workout by JR Allen
How to Lose Weight With Exercise
17 Reasons That Your Diet's Not Working
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