subota, 2. travnja 2016.

What's up with a cesarean?

About a third of all women who are pregnant in the United States will have a cesarean section or c-section when they give birth. This is also known as a surgical birth. Here's what you need to know during Cesarean Awareness Month (April).

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What's up with a cesarean?

About a third of all women who are pregnant in the United States will have a cesarean section or c-section when they give birth. This is also known as a surgical birth. Here's what you need to know during Cesarean Awareness Month (April).

Robin Elise Weiss, PhD
Pregnancy & Childbirth Expert
Pregnant couple talks to obstetrician
What happens in a c-section?  

One of the biggest things people want to know is - what really happens when you do a cesarean? Here's a look at the details.

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C-Section Born Baby
How to Have a Safer Cesarean  

If you are having a cesarean birth, there are some things that you can do to help make your birth and postpartum safer.

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Cesarean Birth with Parents Holding Baby
Using a Doula for Cesarean Birth  

So many people think that a doula, a professional labor support person, is only for people who are planning for a vaginal birth, but having that extra support is invaluable, even when you're having a c-section.

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Woman talking to her doctor
You Probably Don't Need Another Cesarean  

Having your next baby, you will most likely be a great candidate for a vaginal birth after cesarean, or VBAC. Talk to your doctor or midwife about this option.

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