| The Medcline System
I have tried the Medcline System for review. Does it help nighttime heartburn symptoms? Learn what I found out in this Review article on the Medcline System. How does this product work? Here are a few points: - The structure of the Medcline System promotes ergonomic arm placement in a "pocket" that relieves nearly all pressure from your down-side arm and shoulder
- The incline of the System raises your upper body 15-20 degrees that has been shown to be an optimal height to relieve reflux symptoms
- With the downside arm in this pocket, which Medcline calls the CRADLE-LOC™ design, holds you while on your side, and helps prevent you from sliding down
- The body pillow not only supports your upper arm, it also helps keep you in your side position
- The materials make the Medcline System very comfortable to sleep on
Related Resources: | Bed Aids for Nighttime Heartburn Sufferers
When people suffer from nighttime heartburn, it is recommended that they elevate their heads and shoulders while sleeping. Why does this help? Elevating your head while sleeping helps keep stomach contents where they belong--in your stomach. The wedges and bed modifications listed here can help with keeping you at a slant while sleeping. Additional Resources: | Tips for Calming Nighttime Heartburn
Nearly eight in 10 heartburn sufferers experience symptoms at night. But staying up all night to fend off heartburn isn't practical. Here are several lifestyle and food tips to help you feel better and get a good night's rest -- free of heartburn. Related Resources: | Nighttime Heartburn May Be Dangerous
Why is heartburn more dangerous at night? There are several reasons this may be the case, and why heartburn sufferers should take precautions. You can read this article on Nighttime Heartburn May Be Dangerous. Additional recommended reading: | |
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