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What is a heart-healthy diet? | This week: What, after all the controversy we've seen in recent years, is a heart healthy diet? Six simple rules you can follow. Also, thyroid disease and the heart, the new "miracle" cholesterol drugs, and more. | | |
What is a heart-healthy diet? | With all the conflicting information out there, a "heart healthy diet" is becoming more difficult to figure out. Here are six simple rules that can help. | | | |
PCSK9 inhibitors for cholesterol | The PCSK9 inhibitors offer a brand new way to reduce LDL cholesterol levels. But until we know more about these drugs, we should curb our enthusiasm. | | | |
Statins and memory loss | While some insist that statins produce cognitive disorders, studies to date have failed to prove an association between statins and memory loss. Learn more about this purported statin side effect. | | | |
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