ponedjeljak, 11. svibnja 2015.

Give Yourself What You Need!

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Give Yourself What You Need!

 Because yesterday was Mother's Day (and the day after Mother's Day is often a day when moms realize how stressed they truly are), I wanted to share self-care and coping resources with moms. But really, we all need these resources; we all need to take care of ourselves, if only so that we can offer our best selves to the ones we love (and also because we are important and life is too short for stress and preventable health issues)! Therefore, this newsletter provides targeted health and coping tips for everyone. Find what you need to find, and make the changes that will help you to have a happier, healthier life.

As always, you can get more via social media through Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.
--Elizabeth Scott

Elizabeth Scott, M.S.
Stress Management Expert
Post-Mother's Day Stress Management
According to a website that specializes in helping married people find partners for affairs, the day after Mother's Day is the most popular day of the year for women (particularly mothers) to decide to cheat. What does this have to do with stress management, and what can you do to safeguard your relationship?  Here are some important resources that can help you to keep yourself and your relationship going strong. 
Feeling Stressed? Replace These Words In Your Mind
Self-talk is closely linked with stress. Here are some simple self-talk substitutions that can minimize the stress you feel when you face stress in life.
Sex and Stress: Is Stress Sapping Your Libido?
Change your self-talk and minimize the stress you feel .One simple way to do this is to replace certain.. Here's how changing "but" to "and" can help you de-stress.
Top Self Care Strategies for Overall Stress Reduction
Everyone can use a little TLC on a regular basis, and you are no exception!  Here are some of the best (and most important) way you can take care of yourself when you're stressed, and have more emotional reserves to take on whatever comes your way!
Does the Weather Really Affect Arthritis?
When should you have your next baby?
The 48-Hour Recovery Period in Fibromyalgia & Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Does Weight Loss Always Resolve Sleep Apnea? Learn Why It Might Not
The Healthy Snacks That Will Help You Lose Weight
Fibromyalgia Remission: How I Got Here
May 12 Awareness Day for Fibromyalgia & Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
This Massage Technique May Decrease Pain With Fibromyalgia
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