ponedjeljak, 2. ožujka 2015.

Which Blood Type Increases Your Dementia Risk?

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Which Blood Type Increases Your Dementia Risk?
Which Blood Type Makes You More Likely to Develop Dementia?
Recent research found a correlation between one particular blood type and an increased risk of cognitive impairment. Who's at risk, and what can you do about it?... Read more
Does Babysitting Grandchildren Reduce Dementia Risk?

Need more reasons to spend time with your grandchildren? Coming right up! Find out what multiple research studies have concluded about how caring for grandchildren affects your brain...Read more

Differences between the 3 D's- Delirium, Dementia and Depression
Have you heard of the 3 D's? Why do they matter? Delirium, dementia and depression can be difficult to tell apart, but accurate diagnosis and treatment can make a world of difference. Here's what to look for in your loved one... Read more
Q & A's about Feeding Tubes and Later Stage Dementia

As your loved one with Alzheimer's disease or another kind of dementia progresses into the later stages, there are often multiple treatment decisions that must be made. One that family members may face is the use of a feeding tube...Read more

Preventing Alzheimer's Disease
Types of Dementia
Dementia with Lewy Bodies and Lewy Body Dementia: Same or Different?
11 Foods to Eat that Reduce Dementia Risk
After Diagnosis: How to Cope with Alzheimer's
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