srijeda, 14. listopada 2015.

Big Worries, Small Penises

Anxiety about penis size is at once a giant cultural joke and a serious obstacle for men to enjoy sexual pleasure.  Depending on your lived experience you'll be more tuned into one or the other of these realities.  This week I respond to a young man waiting for his arranged marriage and uncertain of how he'll ever live the life he wants to live with the penis he's got.   ~  Cory


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Big Worries, Small Penises
Anxiety about penis size is at once a giant cultural joke and a serious obstacle for men to enjoy sexual pleasure.  Depending on your lived experience you'll be more tuned into one or the other of these realities.  This week I respond to a young man waiting for his arranged marriage and uncertain of how he'll ever live the life he wants to live with the penis he's got.   ~  Cory


Cory Silverberg
Sexuality Expert
a small package held in the palm of a hand
We Both Agree: It's Too Small  
I'm 24 years old and in a couple of days I'm going to be 25. My folks are planning for my marriage in the coming years. I'm uneasy because my penis is small. I have been searching for ways to improve it but the fear of impotency is troubling me. I have had sex with my fiancee many times but she says my penis is small in both length and diameter. It's really a shame. I want to enlarge my penis even a bit. Please do help me. I'm in a really bad shape.
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Men at urinals
Five Reasons Most Guys Think Their Penis Is Too Small  
It's not a conspiracy and it isn't possible that every other guy has a micropenis.  There are some concrete reasons why so many men are unsatisfied with the size of their penis, none of which have to do with its actual size.
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Sexuality and Body Image  
What the relationship between how we feel about our bodies and our sex lives?
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A Guide to Loving Yourself, Literally: Masturbation Techniques  
Alone or with a partner, masturbation techniques for all tastes and genders.


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