Fall is my favorite time of year. I love the fall foliage, the smell of pumpkin and the feel of crisp air on my face as I walk. Take advantage of the beauty of fall and get motivated. Start by cooking with the signature fruit - pumpkin. Next, sign up for a walk and stock your fridge with the foods you should always have on hand to make a healthy meal. You'll love fall even more.
| | If you're having trouble viewing this email, click here | | | | Fall in Love with the Season of Fall | Fall is my favorite time of year. I love the fall foliage, the smell of pumpkin and the feel of crisp air on my face as I walk. Take advantage of the beauty of fall and get motivated. Start by cooking with the signature fruit - pumpkin. Next, sign up for a walk and stock your fridge with the foods you should always have on hand to make a healthy meal. You'll love fall even more. |  | Barbie Cervoni, RD, CDE Type 2 Diabetes Expert | | | Eat Pumpkin - Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner | It's that time of year - time to enjoy the aroma and taste of pumpkin. Pumpkin is so much more than pumpkin pie and pumpkin spiced latte - pumpkin takes on great versatility and is a wonderful addition to any meal. Pumpkin is a natural nutrition powerhouse, rich in... | | | Need Some Motivation - Step Out and Walk for Diabetes | A great way to seek support, increase awareness and raise funding dedicated to finding a cure, is to participate in a walk for diabetes. In addition to raising awareness to diabetes, you'd be outdoors exercising. Regular physical activity can help to improve blood sugar control by increasing insulin sensitivity... | | | Top 10 Foods You Should Always Have in Your House | It is easy to realize why cooking your own meals is so beneficial - control of ingredients, limited fat, portion control, and guaranteed freshness. But, it is impossible to put together a meal when you don't have any food in the house. Keeping the fridge fully stocked... | | | Load up on Non-Starchy Vegetables | There is no denying that vegetables are healthy for us. Studies have shown that eating a diet rich in vegetables as part of an overall healthy diet can help reduce cardiovascular disease risk, cancer, Type 2 diabetes and obesity. A vegetable rich diet can also help to... | | | | | | You are receiving this newsletter because you subscribed to the Type 2 Diabetes newsletter. If you wish to unsubscribe, please click here | | 1500 Broadway, 6th Floor, New York, NY, 10036 | | | | | | | | |
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