ponedjeljak, 12. listopada 2015.

October is Lewy Body Dementia Awareness Month

Lewy body dementia affects approximately 1.3 million Americans, according to the Lewy Body Dementia Association. It's also one of the most misdiagnosed types of dementia.

October has been designated as a time to increase awareness about this disease. With that in mind, I've highlighted a few different articles that help explain its symptoms and challenges.
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October is Lewy Body Dementia Awareness Month
Lewy body dementia affects approximately 1.3 million Americans, according to the Lewy Body Dementia Association. It's also one of the most misdiagnosed types of dementia.

October has been designated as a time to increase awareness about this disease. With that in mind, I've highlighted a few different articles that help explain its symptoms and challenges.
Esther Heerema, MSW
Alzheimer's & Dementia Expert
What's the Difference Between Alzheimer's and Lewy Body Dementia?  

You may be a little more familiar with Alzheimer's disease, so how does Lewy body dementia differ from AD? For starters, a person with Lewy body dementia may fluctuate from day to day in his cognitive ability. This can be confusing to those around him because it may appear he's choosing to forget things or be difficult...Learn more

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Are Parkinson's Dementia and Dementia with Lewy Bodies the Same?  

When Robin Williams died last year, he was rumored to have Lewy body dementia, while other sources said he had Parkinson's disease. Is there a difference? Why are the two so closely associated?...Read more

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Hallucinations in Lewy Body Dementia
Here's how to Respond to Hallucinations in Lewy Body Dementia  

Hallucinations can occur in other types of dementia, but they're particularly common in Lewy body dementia. And, unlike hallucinations in Alzheimer's disease where an effective strategy might be to reassure and join the person in her reality, this is not always a helpful approach in Lewy body dementia...Learn more

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Dementia with Lewy Bodies and Lewy Body Dementia: Same Thing?  

They sure sound like the same thing to me. Yet, there are a few differences between dementia with Lewy bodies and Lewy body dementia. Here's the key to understanding these terms...Read more

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Does Lewy Body Dementia Have Stages?  

Knowing what to expect can be helpful for coping with Lewy body dementia. So, are there typical Lewy body dementia stages in which people progress from one to the next?...Read more

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Capgras Syndrome in Lewy Body Dementia  

Capgras syndrome, where an individual is convinced that a loved one is an imposter, sometimes develops in Lewy body dementia. Here's more about Capgras syndrome and how to respond...Read more

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9 Factors that Increase Risk of Developing Lewy Body Dementia  

Until recently, the only known risk factor for developing Lewy body dementia was considered to be older age. Research has made some gains lately in sifting out what might increase the risk for developing Lewy body dementia...Read more


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10 Things to Know about Parkinson's Disease Dementia  

If you or your family member has Parkinson's disease, you may have several questions about what Parkinson's disease dementia is, as well as what increases or decreases the chances that dementia will develop in Parkinson's.

Here are ten facts about some of PDD's characteristics and risk factors...Read more


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