srijeda, 4. srpnja 2012.

About Sexuality: Sexting Is Back! Maybe.

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From Cory Silverberg, your Guide to Sexuality
Research is such a slow enterprise that the general public doesn't usually notice how often researchers contradict each other. First something is good for you, then it turns out to cause cancer, and then later maybe it's protective against cancer. It's not the researchers fault, but when it happens too often, or too close together, it's hard not to want to take a break and ask whether some other way of thinking about or investigating a particular phenomenon might not be a good idea. I know I've hit that wall with this idea of "sexting" which we're told this week is in fact the big problem it was believed to be in 2008, before it was believed to be not much of a problem at all. Read on and I'll do my best to make sense. ~ Cory

Soon 100% of Teens Will Be Sexting. Or Not.
A new study, one that claims - surprise, surprise - to be the most representative of all studies out there, suggests that more than 1 in 4 young people have engaged in what they called sexting.

Pervasive Misconceptions About Sex and Technology
There hasn't been very much detailed research on how and why young people share naked or semi-naked pictures of themselves. In some ways it feels like adults assume the reasons are obvious, so why ask? But those assumptions are connected to the same adults uncritical ideas about sex and technology. Not a great place to start a research agenda.
See More About:  sex and technology  sex myths 

What Does It Take to Consent to Sex?
A new report from Australia proposes that we re-think how we determine who can and cannot consent to sexual activity.
See More About:  sex and disability  sexual rights  consent

Summer Reading: A Queer and Pleasant Danger
A new memoir by Kate Bornstein is hard to put down in ways both pleasant and dangerous. It's got sex, Scientology, death, love, lust, pain, and fun. In other words, something for everyone!
See More About:  book reviews  memoirs  scientology


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