utorak, 3. srpnja 2012.

About Yoga: Lunges Three Ways

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From Ann Pizer, your Guide to Yoga
Lunges are great for stretching and strengthening the lower body, including the hip, groins, calves, thighs, and hamstrings. The core also gets to work as you keep your balance. In order to get the most out of your lunge, bend the knee deeply, bringing your thigh as close to parallel with the floor as possible. Keep the back leg engaged and straight at the same time. Here are three ways to get your lunge on.

Lunge to Straight Leg Stretch
This lunge-to-straight-leg stretch is one of my favorites. I recommend including it in any warm-up sequence you do. Start slowly if it's your first hamstring stretch of the day. Never push it, but if the option to straighten the front leg is available to you, it's a very nice feeling. If you want to up the ante, try this with your arms raised toward the ceiling, going back and forth about five times on each leg. Read more...

Anjaneyasana Modifications
A reader recently wrote Aunt Yoga to ask for ways to modify anjaneyasana (crescent lunge) to reduce pain she was feeling in the back knee. Of course, Aunt Yoga was more than happy to give her some options. Read more...
See More About:  yoga advice  yoga faq  variations

Stepping from Down Dog to Lunge
Turns out, this isn't the first time Aunt Yoga has turned her attention to the lunge. Several years ago, a reader asked for advice on what to do when he stepped forward to a lunge but his foot didn't quite make it to the front of the mat. Read more...
See More About:  props  standing poses  yoga faq

Pose of the Week - Child's Pose - Balasana
Who doesn't need a break, a rest, a chance to curl up in a fetal position every now and then? Well, if you should have this need during yoga, take advantage of child's pose. This little pit-stop is your opportunity to catch your breath and rest your body before moving on to the next challenge. Use it wisely. And when I say wisely, I mean any old time you like.


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Ann Pizer
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