| | If you're having trouble viewing this email, click here | | | | What Annoys You About Exercise | As I was putting together my poll for this week, I made the mistake of asking my clients the following question: What annoys you about exercise? As you can imagine, most of them spent our entire session thinking up new and annoying things: "These stupid pushups! And dips! And the treadmill! And...stop me if you've heard this before." "The way you always make an exercise look really easy and then I look like a total idiot." "Cake!" Huh? "There's no cake at the end!" Alrighty then. The point is, as much as I go on about how great exercise is, I admit, it's also kind of annoying sometimes. Especially on Mondays. |  | Paige Waehner Exercise Expert | | | 10 Things I Hate About Exercise | Exercise, like broccoli, fiber and flossing, is good for you, but there are things about it that can drive you crazy. There are those annoying people at the gym, confusion about what to do and how to get started, sweating, watching the unmoving scale for weeks on end...it's no wonder that some of us would rather just not deal with it. No matter what you hate about exercise, I'll bet I can talk you into changing your mind | | | | | | Embarrassing Moments at the Gym | I've done some embarrassing things in my day. Like, once, I fell off the treadmill while I was trying to untangle my headphones. Note to self: STOP the treadmill when doing anything other than walking or running. | | | | | | | | | You are receiving this newsletter because you subscribed to the Exercise newsletter. If you wish to unsubscribe, please click here | | 1500 Broadway, 6th Floor, New York, NY, 10036 | | | | | | | | |
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